It happened alredy one time with my model of Kaneda… and now I’m very happy to see the result of another colab with Christophe!
It’s awesome to see what happens when one my model goes in the rights hands!
Chris has done a really great job with these renders: I think that the feel and atmosphere of these images is unique and fit perfectly with the Spawn model.
Archivi categoria: Lavori in zBrush
Stereo Spawn!!!
Sometimes they came back!
After the test I did some month ago with the model of tigerman about stereoscopy…
Here the Stero Spawn Bust!!!
In order to view it in 3D you have to cross your eyes like explained here
[youtube_sc url=-9F8ylRVe9w hd=1]
But if you have these strange red/blue googles or some 3D stereo trick you can check THIS 3D 1080 HD VIDEO
And here some 3D Cross eye images extracted from the video:
Related Images:
Some video about hand sculpting
Taking a short video from the previous project (The one about halloween) and some video from the Spawn WIP here a Video Tutorial on hand sculpting!
You can see some of these video also on the video tutorial section of 3Dtotal and of character’s forum or simply clicking the “read more” label…
Hand modeling:
Related Images:
Spawn bust
Another great challange on Character’s Forum… this time about Super Heroes!!!

For this contest I choosed Spawn as one of my favourites superheroes… and here is my personal version of it
I won this contest… but you have absolutely to check the other entries HERE since there are many very very beautiful.
Related Images:
Halloween costume of the party… speaking of sharing
Ok… You have seen my entry: here some images from the Work In Progress
These images are taken by the original thread on zBrushCentral that you can find HERE.
And here, directly from my YOUTUBE CHANNEL, some video taken during the modeling phase
A quick doodle of the sketching of the presenter:
Related Images:
And here the winner for the best Halloween costume of the party…
It’s been a while that I don’t update my blog… that’s because I’ve a little treasure that require care and a little of my spare time.
That said, I’m really happy to have a little less time to update my blog for this :)
Another thing is that… mmh… You have noticed that I’m speaking english now? right?
This is in order to mantain my blog a little bit more International, even if I think that my english will make smile more than a few people.
I’ve something that I missed to post here… so I will try to recover in these days.
Here you can see some images about my final entry for the Halloween Challenge 2012…
Before you ask I put my hands on: the challange did not provide any prize and no ranking … only the pleasure of participating and sharing :)
The final image is missing some background and some detail… actually I’m working at it in my spare time and I will submit some progress as soon as I can