After a period of silence due to a series of happy events that, as side-effect, have led to a reduction of the free time and of the tranquility necessary to cultivate the computer graphics , I return here with something completely different.
Although I know that I will leave the tablet to take “dust” for quite a time… but I know also that a day I will return to th CG with (I hope) works as good as I did the last.
In the meantime, I have dedicated myself to something closer to my job, and that I can easily manage despite the many interruptions caused by the new two small inhabitants of my apartment.
It is the porting for smartphone of a typical card game played on the region where I live.
For now there is only the ‘Italian’ version of it, but I planned to make also the “International” version in english, in order to export the game.
If you are interested and you know Italian language, then you could follow me on the official page of the Apllication…